A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Because a Militia is necessary for the security of a free state, and a state is built of the people, the right to wield weapons will not be denied. I think we need a new translation of the second amendment before we can go any further in our current arguments regarding guns in our society.
Pen and Teller have it right, the "framers" would not be there framing anything if they had not already fought for their freedoms. And they, knowing governments and powerful entities, knew that maybe those freedoms have to be fought for again sometime in the future to protect oneself, ones home, and ones people. knowing these things, they would never put their guns away for good.
Current TV, Al Gore's Television channel, produced this wonderful piece on guns in America. I believe this highlights the reason why guns in the 2nd Amendment will always be a states issue. The reason is that there are at least 2 different gun cultures in the United States that will never see eye to eye, the rural v.s. the inner city gun cultures are never going to meet on the federal level. And if you were to apply new federal laws to law abiding people only the criminal element would benefit in either society.
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